Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Exercise your right to be fit

Published in the Culpeper Star Exponent 7/4/2011
As you read this I will probably be running the Freedom 5 K at the Powell Wellness Center as a part of today’s 4th of July celebrations. Our community has embraced fitness as a core value in developing many events. We will have the Triathlon at Mountain Run Lake on July 30th and July 31st. We have the 4th Annual Culpeper Cycling Century developed by the Culpeper Department of Parks and Recreation and held on October 1st.  These are just a few of the organized activities surrounding fitness and healthy lifestyles promoted in Culpeper.

As I was leading my indoor cycling class last week, it occurred to me that fitness is a lot like freedom. Both can be taken for granted until they are taken away. They can both slip away one day at a time until they are gone. Neither freedom nor fitness is free. Both require diligent work to preserve and protect in our pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.

We do a great job in Culpeper of inspiring both freedom and fitness. As I spoke to a men’s prayer group a few weeks ago I was challenged to consider spiritual lessons of leadership for business. One of the principles that I shared was “Be Fit”. We as humans are designed to be fit. We are happier when we are fit. We demonstrate happier characteristics when we are fit. Fitness can be freedom!!

As citizens of the USA we are also established in freedom. That means that we are “Free to be Fit”, our choice because we are free to choose. I know local athletes that have developed as athletes later in life, never having been an athlete in High School or College. They are some of the most inspiring! I see those like me who were very successful in earlier years only to rediscover the benefits of fitness later in life. There is nothing like feeling very fit. Getting to an excellent fitness level is much like flying. It takes more work to get the plane off of the ground. Once the plane is in the air, maintaining altitude takes less work.

Why fitness message on the 4th of July? Personal Freedom!! We often have a few minutes to reflect during the 4th of July. We get wrapped up in our jobs and the extra day is a time for family, friends, and celebrating our freedom. It can also be a mid-year assessment of your new years’ resolutions. My experience is that New Year’s resolutions are forged in January and forgotten by July. As you may recall an earlier column where I challenged you to consider New Year resolutions by establishing your “WHY” to keep you on track. What are your “Why’s” for fitness?

Freedom 5 K says it all, an appropriate way to kick off the July 4th celebration. “Freedom to be Fit” is a life long journey. Consider the benefits, consult the professionals, and establish a plan. Exercise Your Freedom!!!

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