Monday, August 12, 2013

Education Advances Opportunities At Any Age

Culpeper Star Exponent
Business Monday
Jim Charapich
August 12, 2013

This week is a big week for most students. They are preparing to head back to school in the next couple of weeks. However, as adults we often overlook the notion of upgrading our education and advancing our opportunities. We are very fortunate to have a world class resource right in our back yard for education.

Germanna classes begin August 19th for credit programs. There is still time to enroll in classes right up to August 19th. In fact Germanna Community College Daniel Technology Center in Culpeper makes it easy to inquire about class and curriculum options. The new “Welcome Center” is open at the facility to help with all questions about enrollment and financial aid for Germanna Community College classes.

August 17th from 10 - 12 has been designated as a welcome day for new students and those seeking information about various disciplines. The welcome day session will be held at all Germanna locations including Locust Grove. There will be a chance for door prizes and refreshments for those that attend the session at the various Germanna locations. If you are interested in Nursing - be sure to attend the session at the Locust Groove campus.

The Culpeper location has enhanced their class selections by increasing the number of Business and Economics classes at this campus. Germanna has added a new major this year in electrical engineering. The college is also offering a hybrid curriculum graduating students as an Associate of Technical Studies aimed at fortifying local business needs for Advanced Manufacturing skills.

Education is a gateway to financial and cultural strength both individually and as a community. Take advantage of access to advanced education through the programs offered at Germanna. Explore the many resources for financial aid and student loans at the Germanna Community College - Daniel Technology Center - Welcome Center to move your goals forward. Dream big...

1 comment:

  1. They are preparing to head back to school in the next couple of weeks. However, as adults we often overlook the notion of upgrading our education and advancing our opportunities. We are very fortunate to have a world class resource right in our back yard for education. education technology


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