Sunday, January 26, 2014

Health Coverage Expansion and Virginia Dollars

Culpeper Star Exponent
Business Monday
Jim Charapich
January 27, 2014

I read with great interest an article written by former Virginia Lieutenant Governor, Bill Bolling published in the last week. He suggested five priorities for the General Assembly to achieve this session. I heard the Lieutenant Governor speak alongside of Senator Warner at the Leadership Summit in Richmond this past summer. His comments along with those of Senator Warner encouraged a departure from the polarity of party politics. His encouragement to find bipartisan ground to move our Commonwealth forward is evident again in his five priorities.


One of his comments makes the case simple and clear regarding Health Coverage Expansion. “I'm no fan of Obamacare, but it is the law and over the next 10 years Virginia families and businesses will be required to pay $26 billion to finance the Affordable Care Act. Medicaid expansion is the only way we can return any of this money to Virginia.”  January 22, 2014. Bill Bolling Former Lieutenant Governor Virginia.

According to a recent article by Lee Kirk, President & CEO of the Culpeper Regional Health System, “As of January 1, Virginia is losing $5 million per day in ACA imposed taxes, fees and provider cuts paid as ACA coverage expansion payments. If Virginia doesn't spend the money we have paid in, then other states participating in Medicaid Expansion will.” Mr. Kirk goes on to point out, “It is estimated that opting into ACA expanded health coverage would create an economic benefit of 30,000 plus jobs from 2014 to 2019 and $3.9 billion in positive economic impact for Virginia.”

Finally, Mr. Kirk summarizes the issue as follows: “It is imperative that Virginia Reform Medicaid and create health care access for Virginia working low income adults (“Bridge the Coverage Gap”) whose health care is paid for by businesses and individuals through “cost shifting.” These federal dollars are Virginia’s dollars. Our legislative delegation and The Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission (MIRC) must hear from you, the business community, about this critical issue.”

The Culpeper Chamber of Commerce, other Chambers across Virginia, and the Virginia Chamber of Commerce support expanded health insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act. For more information about the issue and for a list of our legislators go to - click on the link Health Coverage Expansion.


Monday, January 20, 2014

The Leadership Adventure of a Lifetime

Culpeper Star Exponent
 Business Monday
Jim Charapich
January 20, 2014

Registration is open for LEAD Culpeper 2014 - One of most interesting ways to engage with our community is through LEAD Culpeper 2014. Excellence in civic leadership and the social capital to move a community forward define ones leadership capacity. LEAD Culpeper will bring together a group of 20 select individuals through an application process. When selected, the group will work together to understand our community from many perspectives. There are no other programs like it in Culpeper. The program will begin in April 2014, and conclude with a trip to the General Assembly of Virginia in January of 2015.   
Why is this program so successful? The Alumni may be able to answer this by their prominent places in the community leadership. They range from Town Council and Board of Supervisors to Business Leaders at the executive level. Many Alumni were interested in leadership and did not know where the program would take them. There is no doubt that the program will open our community in new and exciting ways to the participants. In addition to learning more about Culpeper, participants gain the benefit of the network of others in their class of LEAD Culpeper. The Class of 2012 graduates have been recruited for leadership positions throughout Culpeper. Civic leadership is a quality that is valued in business for promotability. LEAD Culpeper 2014 is a way to accelerate access opportunities to some of the most influential components of the community.

The application process is easy;. Go to the - a Culpeper Chamber of Commerce website. There is a fee to cover the costs of food, transportation, and administration of the program. This financial investment and commitment of time will give you a competitive edge that could otherwise take years to achieve.

As a recent graduate of LEAD Virginia 2013, I can only confirm the importance of leadership development in a community. LEAD Virginia offered me an opportunity to see issues and successes in every region of the Commonwealth. It was the experience of a lifetime to learn firsthand about our great state. However, I discovered that the most precious assets in Virginia are not only our diverse economic and natural resources, but also the remarkable leadership in each community. Our diversity and character of individuals working together for progress is our most precious asset. Culpeper has its fair share of challenges and yet we are blessed in many ways. Join Lead Culpeper 2014 to understand our community in more depth so that we can sustain and expand our opportunities for prosperity through civic leadership.


Monday, January 13, 2014

Smart is Sexy!

Culpeper Star Exponent
Business Monday
Jim Charapich
January 13, 2014

Smart is sexy as they say. The Culpeper Chamber of Commerce, the Orange Chamber of Commerce, the Madison Chamber of Commerce, and the Fauquier Chamber of Commerce have opened registration for the 4th Annual Professional Development Conference scheduled for February 13th at Germanna’s Daniel Technology Center. If the quality of sponsors is an indication of the level of excitement then this is going to be a great event.

The conference is packed with some of the smartest subject matter experts. We have two keynote speakers this year. The first will kick off the conference with a blast of high tech know how for his presentation called SoLoMo. Ray Sidney-Smith will bring the latest in Social, Location, and Mobile technologies for business that even an adult can understand. This technology is here and our customers, consumers, and clients expect us to be savvy. This is an opportunity to sharpen what you do know. One of the most vulnerable blind spots in business is not knowing what you do not know. The convergence of Social, Location, and Mobile technologies enable dynamic opportunities for business. Clear your calendar and get ready to take your business to new screens.

The Mid-Day Keynote speaker is equally powerful and in perfect sync with the first speaker. We have invited Kim Weitkamp, world renowned story teller. It is not enough to know the in’s and out’s of technology. The world is interested in your story. Kim Weitkamp will inspire you to tell your organization’s story in powerful and unique ways.  I watched a few month’s ago as Ms. Weitkamp took a room of community leaders from a tired evening state-of-mind to emotional highs with her use of words and the art of storytelling. You will want as many of your associates as possible to join you to understand this unique skill.

In addition to the conference keynote speakers, we have invited subject matter experts to speak in sessions covering three tracks. The first track will focus on fundraising for Nonprofits. We have invited Kimbia - Fundraising Transformed to share their expertise about this critical subject for our nonprofits. In addition, we have invited The Foundation Center out of Washington DC to share the latest in grant seeking. Finally, we have assembled an all-star panel of fund raising experts that will share their insights. If you are a non-profit leader, a board member of a non-profit, or interested in networking with the best in local non-profits, this is the place to be.

The second track is for small business and yet is very applicable to nonprofits as well. We have invited the very knowledgeable Phyllis Katz, Attorney at Law, from the Richmond office of the mid-Atlantic firm Sands Anderson PC to share the latest insights in the ever evolving area of employment law. Chris Pearson, CPA at Yount, Hyde, & Barbour will lead a session on taking your business to the next level. Having spent time with Mr. Pearson recently on a trip to Richmond, I know that this a session will deliver.

Finally, The third track is focused on the latest in marketing. Small Business and Nonprofits will have access to the latest in marketing systems. Ray Sidney-Smith will lead another session and go in more depth on the mobile / social market. Two representatives from Constant Contact will lead sessions on supercharging your marketing with email and social media. K-Art & Design will offer key strategies in Branding Across Digital Platforms. Finally, Rev Builders will share expertise in search engine optimization.

Go to to register for the event. The fee is $75 and includes lunch and CEU’s from Germanna Community College. There is a $25 discount if you are a member of a local Chamber of Commerce. Contact your Chamber office for the coupon code to receive this savings at registration. In addition, if you are a Non-Profit affiliated with the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation - contact the NPCF office for a coupon code.

We offer a special thanks to our sponsors: Germanna Community College, The Small Business Development Center, Northern Piedmont Community Foundation, Culpeper Regional Health System, Culpeper Times, and Tyco Connectivity for their generous support.

Monday, January 6, 2014

A Challenge to All Community and Business Leaders

Culpeper Star Exponent
Business Monday
Jim Charapich
January 6, 2014

A challenge to All Community and Business Leaders -Do you want a stronger, smarter, and faster workforce? Will you lead the way this year for you and your employees by joining the  “Showing up is half the battle, a battle you can win” challenge?

Culpeper Regional Health System, Powell Wellness Center, and Germanna Community College join together to  provide an award winning service to the community “Drop It”, a program for everyone in the region including Madison County and Culpeper County. There a few changes this year that will make it even more interesting. Patrice Barklund, Health Educator at the Powell Wellness Center and the coordinator of Drop It! describes the program for this year:
“For the fifth year, The Culpeper Regional Health System, Powell Wellness Center, and Germanna Community College will sponsor “Drop It!”  a free weight loss and healthy living challenge for the entire community.  To participate in the challenge, participants must register in person at one of five locations over an eight day period; times vary for each location. Participants will also be able to register at our “Drop It!” kick-off events. The first event will be held in Madison on January 11 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Waverly Yowell Elementary School. The second event will be held here in Culpeper on Saturday, January 18th at the Daniel Technology Center at Germanna Community College from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm." 

"Over a twelve week period the community is invited to come to GCC Daniel Technology Center on Monday evenings from 6:00- 7:00 pm for free fitness and wellness classes. The final weigh outs will be completed during the week of April 13 to 19th.  The grand prize winners will be announced at a press conference on May 8th at the Powell Wellness Center."

"Our focus this year is participation. “Showing up is half the battle, a battle you can win”.  Participants who attend all fitness, health and screenings events will be entered into a raffle to win the grand participation prize of $1,000.00.  There is also a prize for the highest percent weight loss."

"Information about the Drop It! 2014 program, registration, liability waiver, and classes offered are listed on our website"

"We are pleased that Culpeper Regional Hospital and Joe and Linda Daniel will donate a total of $50 for each pound lost towards a scholarship fund.  These scholarships are given to members of our community to study in the allied health and nursing programs in our region.  Recipients of the scholarships are required to “give back” to the community by working for CRH.  Drop It! 2014 is beneficial to our community by making residents healthier and providing educational opportunities to our current and future healthcare workers."

"We hope you will come join the challenge, support our community, and improve your health in 2014.”

Thank you to Joe and Linda Daniel, and the “Drop It!” Team, for their dedication to the health and vitality of our community. Our health system is a cornerstone in our quality of life. Business Leaders & Community Leaders, clear your calendars, and start your engines - “Drop It” is your chance to lead the way…