Friday, April 3, 2015

Plant Your Garden

Culpeper Chamber of Commerce
Business Article
Culpeper Star Exponent
April 6, 2015

Plant Your Garden

Well friends, I think it is finally spring.  The iceberg-sized block of ice in my driveway has melted away, the grass is growing, and the tulip bulbs I planted last fall are beginning to make their appearance.  When I haphazardly buried those little treasures, I knew it would be a while before I would reap the rewards of my efforts. But now I am pleased that I took the time and effort - soon my garden will be scattered with little tulip surprises.

Last week, I did a bit of professional gardening. I attended a conference for chambers of commerce from across the Commonwealth.  My full calendar and busy schedule told me I didn’t have time to participate, but I resisted the easy path of not going--and attended. The agenda was full, informative, and I returned with a few “tulip bulbs” to plant and share.  

Regardless the size of your business or organization, or even if you are a sole proprietor, it is important that you take time to invest in yourself and if applicable, your team to create a performance environment conducive for success.  Try to avoid saying “I’m too busy for that”.  Yes, “time”, however defined in your particular “world of work”, is a valuable resource in today’s fast-paced world, but successful leaders, managers, and entrepreneurs recognize that the cultivation of business growth requires that “time” be so invested.

As you juggle your full calendar and busy schedule, take some “time” to identify areas where training yourself or your employees will lead to enhanced on the job performance--but also understand that productivity is often the result of good play. Take some time to have fun!  I’m not a management guru or one who can sling out the latest leadership buzzwords or catch-phrases, but I do look for ways to help your Chamber staff, and me, add tools to our workplace skills - it always leads to little ‘tulip surprises’!

The Culpeper Chamber of Commerce is hosting the 2015 Professional Development Conference on Thursday, April 23rd at Germanna’s Daniel Technology Center.  This full day  offers affordable education and training for non-profit organizations and small businesses.  Topics will include management, legal issues, branding, board development, and creativity in the workplace.  Jo Ellen Armstrong, of Mary Washington Healthcare, will be the keynote speaker addressing “Leading a Multigenerational Workforce”.  For detailed information on each session and registration go to  

While gardening isn’t on the Professional Development Conference’s agenda this year, I am certain you will still find a few “tulip bulbs” of your own to plant--I know I will.