Monday, January 6, 2014

A Challenge to All Community and Business Leaders

Culpeper Star Exponent
Business Monday
Jim Charapich
January 6, 2014

A challenge to All Community and Business Leaders -Do you want a stronger, smarter, and faster workforce? Will you lead the way this year for you and your employees by joining the  “Showing up is half the battle, a battle you can win” challenge?

Culpeper Regional Health System, Powell Wellness Center, and Germanna Community College join together to  provide an award winning service to the community “Drop It”, a program for everyone in the region including Madison County and Culpeper County. There a few changes this year that will make it even more interesting. Patrice Barklund, Health Educator at the Powell Wellness Center and the coordinator of Drop It! describes the program for this year:
“For the fifth year, The Culpeper Regional Health System, Powell Wellness Center, and Germanna Community College will sponsor “Drop It!”  a free weight loss and healthy living challenge for the entire community.  To participate in the challenge, participants must register in person at one of five locations over an eight day period; times vary for each location. Participants will also be able to register at our “Drop It!” kick-off events. The first event will be held in Madison on January 11 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Waverly Yowell Elementary School. The second event will be held here in Culpeper on Saturday, January 18th at the Daniel Technology Center at Germanna Community College from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm." 

"Over a twelve week period the community is invited to come to GCC Daniel Technology Center on Monday evenings from 6:00- 7:00 pm for free fitness and wellness classes. The final weigh outs will be completed during the week of April 13 to 19th.  The grand prize winners will be announced at a press conference on May 8th at the Powell Wellness Center."

"Our focus this year is participation. “Showing up is half the battle, a battle you can win”.  Participants who attend all fitness, health and screenings events will be entered into a raffle to win the grand participation prize of $1,000.00.  There is also a prize for the highest percent weight loss."

"Information about the Drop It! 2014 program, registration, liability waiver, and classes offered are listed on our website"

"We are pleased that Culpeper Regional Hospital and Joe and Linda Daniel will donate a total of $50 for each pound lost towards a scholarship fund.  These scholarships are given to members of our community to study in the allied health and nursing programs in our region.  Recipients of the scholarships are required to “give back” to the community by working for CRH.  Drop It! 2014 is beneficial to our community by making residents healthier and providing educational opportunities to our current and future healthcare workers."

"We hope you will come join the challenge, support our community, and improve your health in 2014.”

Thank you to Joe and Linda Daniel, and the “Drop It!” Team, for their dedication to the health and vitality of our community. Our health system is a cornerstone in our quality of life. Business Leaders & Community Leaders, clear your calendars, and start your engines - “Drop It” is your chance to lead the way…

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