Sunday, January 26, 2014

Health Coverage Expansion and Virginia Dollars

Culpeper Star Exponent
Business Monday
Jim Charapich
January 27, 2014

I read with great interest an article written by former Virginia Lieutenant Governor, Bill Bolling published in the last week. He suggested five priorities for the General Assembly to achieve this session. I heard the Lieutenant Governor speak alongside of Senator Warner at the Leadership Summit in Richmond this past summer. His comments along with those of Senator Warner encouraged a departure from the polarity of party politics. His encouragement to find bipartisan ground to move our Commonwealth forward is evident again in his five priorities.


One of his comments makes the case simple and clear regarding Health Coverage Expansion. “I'm no fan of Obamacare, but it is the law and over the next 10 years Virginia families and businesses will be required to pay $26 billion to finance the Affordable Care Act. Medicaid expansion is the only way we can return any of this money to Virginia.”  January 22, 2014. Bill Bolling Former Lieutenant Governor Virginia.

According to a recent article by Lee Kirk, President & CEO of the Culpeper Regional Health System, “As of January 1, Virginia is losing $5 million per day in ACA imposed taxes, fees and provider cuts paid as ACA coverage expansion payments. If Virginia doesn't spend the money we have paid in, then other states participating in Medicaid Expansion will.” Mr. Kirk goes on to point out, “It is estimated that opting into ACA expanded health coverage would create an economic benefit of 30,000 plus jobs from 2014 to 2019 and $3.9 billion in positive economic impact for Virginia.”

Finally, Mr. Kirk summarizes the issue as follows: “It is imperative that Virginia Reform Medicaid and create health care access for Virginia working low income adults (“Bridge the Coverage Gap”) whose health care is paid for by businesses and individuals through “cost shifting.” These federal dollars are Virginia’s dollars. Our legislative delegation and The Medicaid Innovation and Reform Commission (MIRC) must hear from you, the business community, about this critical issue.”

The Culpeper Chamber of Commerce, other Chambers across Virginia, and the Virginia Chamber of Commerce support expanded health insurance coverage through the Affordable Care Act. For more information about the issue and for a list of our legislators go to - click on the link Health Coverage Expansion.


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