Friday, March 27, 2015

Connect Your Dots

Culpeper Chamber of Commerce
Business Article
Culpeper Star Exponent
March 30, 2015

On any given rainy day during summer vacation from grade school, I could be found with my big box of 64 Crayola Crayons - complete with sharpener on the back - and one of those giant coloring books.  I would satisfy my creative urge, despite the lack of artistic talent, by coloring, tracing pictures, and my favorite of all - connecting the numbered dots!  Connecting dots #1-74 would always reveal a masterpiece of which any real artist would be proud to affix a signature!  

During a recent babysitting stint with my grandchildren I was once again immersed in another of those activity books with several connect the dots puzzles. This led to reminiscing and a stream of consciousness where I realized how important “dots” are to my life!  My mother’s name was Dot, I love polka dots, candy dots, and the iPad game Dots, and I do my share of dotting i’s while crossing  “t’s”. As that seemingly endless list reached ice cream dots in my mind, I suddenly made the connection (pun intended) that I work to connect dots daily.  

Yes, the Culpeper Chamber of Commerce is a dot connector!  We help draw the lines that connect  businesses with prospective customers and opportunities;  we provide information to potential customers with sources of goods and services; we connect Chamber affiliates with access to a myriad of quality membership services; we help connect Chamber members with the community through monthly newsletters reaching over 10,000 homes and 25,000 readers; we help ensure members remain connected with government through advocacy representation, locally and in Richmond.  In a nutshell, that’s what your Chamber does: facilitate business connections. If I were more of an artist, I could creatively assign individual “dot numbers” to our members, chamber events, and activities that when connected, would reveal a scene depicting the vibrant regional business community and great place to live that is Culpeper County.

Assignment of a “dot number” to your business or organization will ensure you are added to the scene and help you establish and maintain solid connections with customers or suppliers.  Your chamber’s tagline captures the essence of its mission: “Connect * Grow * Prosper”; note the dots between the words and how they connect the concept.  Let your Chamber assist you with the connections that broaden your network and optimally position your business or organization for success.  

Connect with me or Martha Sanford at 540-825-8628 to discuss the benefits of a Chamber membership.  When you do, we’ll make sure you get connected to all the other ‘dots’.  Meanwhile, I’m off to purchase another activity book for my grandkids.  It seems all their connect the dot pages are missing - wonder how that happened?

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